
What Makes Ancient & Authentic Yoga? Yoga Darshana and the Yoga Market Place

Todays market driven Yoga world is amazingly diverse and sometimes rather confusing. For those of us who are seeking an authentic spiritual path that relates to the ancient practice of authentic yoga things can be very dicey these days. Traditionally Yoga was a closely guarded practice, handed down from master teacher to truly dedicated students. In the modern arena with the printing press, and now the internet and social media information sharing has shifted, and it is impacting how Yoga is shared. While we need to relate to Yoga based out of the current state of information technologies, communication and economic systems we can still learn a lot from how Yoga was organized in in India prior to colonization.
Below I am sharing definitions that can help you clear up some of the confusion you might be having about what yoga is "real" or "authentic". I will also lay out the traditional system of viewing yoga overall. We will explore what is the difference...
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Kriya Blog #4 - Sanskrit Origins & Its Place in Yogic Text, Classical Yoga & Ayurveda

Section 4

Shat Kriyā and the Hatha Yoga Pradipika

The Shat Kriyā’s are considered to be of great importance in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.  These techniques are said to be important to gain perfection (siddhi).  They are preliminary steps to prepare the body for deeper practices.

Kriyā yuktasya siddhiḥ syāda kriyasya kathaṁ bhavet|
Na śāstrapāṭhamātreṇa yoga siddhiḥ prajāyate||65||

Perfection (siddhiḥ) comes to the person who is deeply occupied in the action (kriyā) of practice. How might that perfection spring up to someone who does not practice kriya (cleansing actions)? Perfection (siddhiḥ) in Yoga does not emanate by simply studying shastra (scriptures).

Chapter 2 Veres 65 Hatha Yoga Pradikpika   

The Hatha Yoga Pradipika goes on to explains Kriyā as a cleansing action.  The Kriyā’s are used as preparation for deeper sadhana and preparation for Raja Yoga and awakening Kundalini. 

The one...

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Kriya Blog #3 - Sanskrit Origins & Its Place in Yogic Text, Classical Yoga & Ayurveda

Kriya Blog #3 - Sanskrit Origins & Its Place in Yogic Text, Classical Yoga & Ayurveda 

Section 3 - Yoga Therapy and Kriya Practices

General Groupings of Yoga Therapy

Before specifically exploring the relationship of Yoga Therapy and Kriya practices first we must clearly define Yoga Therapy in its various manifestations.

Ayurveda: India’s traditional medical system that uses herbs, diet, exercise, detoxification programs, gems, essential oils, and various lifestyle practices to bring balance to the individual. Ayurveda takes into account all life-phases putting the importance on spiritual healing and Self-Realization. Ayurveda has specific suggestions for exercise based on body type.  Ayurveda is considered Yoga's sister science. Today many are sharing therapeutic and spiritual Yoga practices in light of Ayurvedic mind-body theory.  Ayurveda has a comprehensive system of diagnostics based on Vedic Self Revealed Knowledge or Spirit’s...

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Kriya Blog #2 - Sanskrit Origins & Its Place in Yogic Text, Classical Yoga & Ayurveda

Kriya Blog #2 - Sanskrit Origins & Its Place in Yogic Text, Classical Yoga & Ayurveda 

Section 2 - Kriyā & Shastra

What is Shastra?

The teachings of Yoga, Hinduism, Buddhism, Ayurveda, and all of the Vedic schools have an in-depth tradition of scriptures or text.  Shastra is the word in Sanskrit that translates as scriptures.  Yogic Shastra or Yogic Scriptures are loaded with amazing information about Yoga.  For some, the word scripture might bring up unpleasant memories of Bible school.   Yogic Shastra is based out of profound realizations.  Shastra is an attempt to point towards the enlightened state in writing, which can not be expressed in any words or language.  Yogic texts offer us a view into Self Revlead Knowledge of higher states of consciousness.  This is different than ordinary dogmatic religions.

Cultural Misappropriation - Why Shastra is Needed in the Yoga Marketplace

Is Yoga a form...

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