
Kriya Blog # 5 - Sanskrit Origins & Its Place in Yogic Text, Classical Yoga & Ayurveda

Kriya Blog # 5 - Kriyā & The Yoga Sutra

The word Kriya is found in the Yoga Sutras of Sage Patanjali four times.  Interestingly it is only used in the second chapter called the Sadhana Pada.  We could translate this as the chapter relating to spiritual practice.  Kriya Yoga is mentioned in the 1st Sutra and then reiterated in a similar context in Sutra 32.  The word Kriya is then used two other times without referring to Kriya Yoga.  In Sutra 18 and 36 the word Kriya is used to describe actions.  Kriya Yoga in the Yoga Sutras does not explain Yoga sequencing, use of Pranayama, Bandha etc. but it does highlight Bhakti as īśvarapraṇidhāna,  Karma as tapaḥ (tapasya)  and Jnana Yoga as svādhyāya. The first Sutra of the Sadhana Pada states:

तपः सवाधयायेशवरपरणिधानानि करियायोगः ॥॥

tapaḥ svādhyāy iśvarapraṇidhānāna kriyā yogaḥ ॥1॥

Austerity (tapaḥ), self-inquiry (svādhyāya), and devotional surrender to the Supreme being (īśvarapraṇidhāna) are the...

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Kriya Blog #3 - Sanskrit Origins & Its Place in Yogic Text, Classical Yoga & Ayurveda

Kriya Blog #3 - Sanskrit Origins & Its Place in Yogic Text, Classical Yoga & Ayurveda 

Section 3 - Yoga Therapy and Kriya Practices

General Groupings of Yoga Therapy

Before specifically exploring the relationship of Yoga Therapy and Kriya practices first we must clearly define Yoga Therapy in its various manifestations.

Ayurveda: India’s traditional medical system that uses herbs, diet, exercise, detoxification programs, gems, essential oils, and various lifestyle practices to bring balance to the individual. Ayurveda takes into account all life-phases putting the importance on spiritual healing and Self-Realization. Ayurveda has specific suggestions for exercise based on body type.  Ayurveda is considered Yoga's sister science. Today many are sharing therapeutic and spiritual Yoga practices in light of Ayurvedic mind-body theory.  Ayurveda has a comprehensive system of diagnostics based on Vedic Self Revealed Knowledge or Spirit’s...

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Kriya Blog #2 - Sanskrit Origins & Its Place in Yogic Text, Classical Yoga & Ayurveda

Kriya Blog #2 - Sanskrit Origins & Its Place in Yogic Text, Classical Yoga & Ayurveda 

Section 2 - Kriyā & Shastra

What is Shastra?

The teachings of Yoga, Hinduism, Buddhism, Ayurveda, and all of the Vedic schools have an in-depth tradition of scriptures or text.  Shastra is the word in Sanskrit that translates as scriptures.  Yogic Shastra or Yogic Scriptures are loaded with amazing information about Yoga.  For some, the word scripture might bring up unpleasant memories of Bible school.   Yogic Shastra is based out of profound realizations.  Shastra is an attempt to point towards the enlightened state in writing, which can not be expressed in any words or language.  Yogic texts offer us a view into Self Revlead Knowledge of higher states of consciousness.  This is different than ordinary dogmatic religions.

Cultural Misappropriation - Why Shastra is Needed in the Yoga Marketplace

Is Yoga a form...

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Kriya Blog #1 - Sanskrit Origins & Its Place in Yogic Text, Classical Yoga & Ayurveda


I first experienced Yoga practices using the word Kirya when my Mom brought me to a Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan class in 1997.  As a teenager I was taken by the story around the practice and the high I got from the powerful breath work.  I continued with this practice for the next 13 years until 2010.  At times I practiced for minimum of 3 hours a day, doing early morning sadhana singing with my friends in Sikh Dharma and enjoying the ups and downs of being involved with many of the traveling musicians in the 3HO community.  Community life was rich and a wonderful yet challenging time of my life.

Back in 2001 while sick with lyme disease, I laid in bed and went on a mystical journey reading Yogananda’s classic work Autobiography of a Yogi.  Up to that time I had exclusively been following Yogi Bhajan’s view on Kriya.  Reading Yogananda’s amazing book, which brought up Kriya Yoga often, made me very...

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