
What Makes Ancient & Authentic Yoga? Yoga Darshana and the Yoga Market Place

Todays market driven Yoga world is amazingly diverse and sometimes rather confusing. For those of us who are seeking an authentic spiritual path that relates to the ancient practice of authentic yoga things can be very dicey these days. Traditionally Yoga was a closely guarded practice, handed down from master teacher to truly dedicated students. In the modern arena with the printing press, and now the internet and social media information sharing has shifted, and it is impacting how Yoga is shared. While we need to relate to Yoga based out of the current state of information technologies, communication and economic systems we can still learn a lot from how Yoga was organized in in India prior to colonization.
Below I am sharing definitions that can help you clear up some of the confusion you might be having about what yoga is "real" or "authentic". I will also lay out the traditional system of viewing yoga overall. We will explore what is the difference...
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Kriya Blog # 5 - Sanskrit Origins & Its Place in Yogic Text, Classical Yoga & Ayurveda

Kriya Blog # 5 - Kriyā & The Yoga Sutra

The word Kriya is found in the Yoga Sutras of Sage Patanjali four times.  Interestingly it is only used in the second chapter called the Sadhana Pada.  We could translate this as the chapter relating to spiritual practice.  Kriya Yoga is mentioned in the 1st Sutra and then reiterated in a similar context in Sutra 32.  The word Kriya is then used two other times without referring to Kriya Yoga.  In Sutra 18 and 36 the word Kriya is used to describe actions.  Kriya Yoga in the Yoga Sutras does not explain Yoga sequencing, use of Pranayama, Bandha etc. but it does highlight Bhakti as īśvarapraṇidhāna,  Karma as tapaḥ (tapasya)  and Jnana Yoga as svādhyāya. The first Sutra of the Sadhana Pada states:

तपः सवाधयायेशवरपरणिधानानि करियायोगः ॥॥

tapaḥ svādhyāy iśvarapraṇidhānāna kriyā yogaḥ ॥1॥

Austerity (tapaḥ), self-inquiry (svādhyāya), and devotional surrender to the Supreme being (īśvarapraṇidhāna) are the...

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